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The Nation’s Leader in Basement Waterproofing

Everdry Waterproofing is the Nations leader in basement waterproofing with over 100,000 satisfied customers. On February 13th, 1989, Everdry Waterproofing of Wisconsin opened its doors with the commitment of providing the highest quality service to every one of our customers. Customer referrals have always been our best source for new customers. Our personal one-on-one approach with homeowners helps them fully understand their options for creating of a safe, dry, and livable space in their basements.

100,000 Satisfied Customers | One-on-One Our Personal Approach

sealing concrete

Patented, Safe & 100% Effective Waterproofing Methods

Our patented waterproofing methods can be used on foundations consisting of poured concrete, block, brick, stone, red clay tile plus crawl spaces and slabs. We are a leader in research and development and have multiple patents to bring you the best and most up-to-date solutions in the waterproofing industry. We repair all causes of basement seepage, including seepage through foundation wall cracks, tie rods, window wells, porous concrete, and masonry walls. We address floor leaks, whether water is coming upward through floor cracks or the cove joint (where the floor and wall meet).

new building foundation

Unique Solutions for Unique Problems

We look at every situation and craft waterproofing solutions that works for your circumstances. In fact, we’re so sure of our solutions and workmanship, that we warranty our repairs for the life of the structure and our warranty is transferable. No one wants a basement water problem; we realize that. But if you have one, EverDry has the customer-focused dedication, experience, and integrity you expect and deserve. Discover what thousands of Wisconsin families already have, an honest, hard-working, reliable, basement waterproofing company. If you want to resolve your basement water problems once and for all and have the comfort of knowing you made the right decision, choose EverDry Waterproofing. We sincerely look forward to providing you with custom-tailored solutions, and innovative products and being your #1 choice for all your basement waterproofing needs.

Angi Super Service


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VOTED #1 Basement/Foundation/Waterproofing Service Company

Ready to Get Started?

Contact Us Today to Schedule a No Pressure, No Obligation, Free Quote!